Roon User Profiles


Profiles make it easy to keep track of the music you love. Each person in your household can have their own profile, and we'll store their playlists, tags, play history, and all of their favorites there, including albums, songs, artists, and more. Profiles also allow for social sharing and scrobbling.

Profiles do not contain library level changes, so you can't use profiles to have different libraries per user. For that, we suggest using Focus, Tags, Bookmarks, or the profiles favorites. In essence, this means that the stored music, TIDAL and Qobuz subscriptions connected to your Roon Server are shared across all Profiles that are set up for your system. 

Creating and switching profiles

To create additional profiles or switch between them, just click the current profile (available at the top right-hand corner of the screen) then select Manage Profiles, or switch to the desired profile.

What can be configured?

You can configure your profile name, photo, Last.FM account for scrobbling, and Twitter authentication for social sharing

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